Posted on 7/26/2022
Your car's engine and batteries are put under a lot of strain when the temperature rises. As a result, you can have a breakdown if your car's battery isn't in top shape. As temperatures rise year after year, keep an eye on your car's battery while it's hot outside. Here is what you can do to protect your battery specially during summer; Add water Most batteries available nowadays are sealed, so you don't need to keep an eye on the water level. However, ask the salesperson to add water if necessary if your battery is not "maintenance-free". The lifespan of an automobile battery is just three to five years, even with proper upkeep. Your battery life can be considerably less if you reside in an area of the country that sees temperature fluctuations. Reduce battery drain on vehicles With electricity-hungry gadgets like GPS systems, DVD players, MP3 players, smart phones, and onboard computers depleting the battery, we put a lot of strain on our automob ... read more
Posted on 6/30/2022

With gas prices going up higher and higher, many of you may rethink your driving habits. While how often you drive does impact your fuel expense, did you know that maintenance can improve your car’s fuel efficiency? In addition to saving money on gas, fuel efficiency means fewer vehicle emissions too. Read on to learn about what car services can help you improve your fuel economy. Ensure your tires are properly inflated Tire pressure can significantly impact your car’s miles per gallon (MPG). When your tires are underinflated or overinflated, they don’t properly grip the roads. The increased friction makes your car consume more gas to reach a certain speed. Thus, please keep an eye on your tire pressure. Change your engine air filters Our motor vehicles operate on a balanced mix of fuel and air. Your air filter prevents dirt and dust from getting into the engine. Over time, the air filter may get dirty, making the engine struggle to attain the proper amount of air ... read more
Posted on 5/29/2022

When a transmission issue surfaces, it's important for drivers to act fast by taking their car to an auto repair shop. At Paul’s Automotive in Baltimore, MD, we can assess your transmission symptoms and repair your transmission so that your minor problem doesn’t grow to be a major one. Otherwise, you could risk getting very expensive repairs down the line. Here are the 6 early warning signs that indicate you need transmission repair. Sign #1: Vehicle Jerks When Shifting Gears Your transmission could be running with worn-out parts if you've noticed it shakes or jerks excessively when you switch gears. Sign #2: Popping Out of Gear If you're just cruising and your vehicle jumps out of gea out of nowhere, then you've got a clear indication that your transmission may be in trouble. This mechanical issue poses a safety risk because you will no longer have control of your vehicle when this occurs. Sign #3: Grinding Sounds If you have a manual transmission, gr ... read more
Posted on 4/25/2022

Keeping your toddlers and babies safe while driving is important. Whether you are out on personal errands, taking the car on your family holiday, or on a road trip, as a parent, you need to do everything possible to ensure your family and especially the kids are safe both inside and around the car. Below are some tips for keeping your young ones safe in the car. Buckle Up Seat belts save lives. Fitting and using them correctly is essential to keeping everyone safe. A Seat belt is supposed to be used by only one individual. Thus, it is not advisable to carry a child on your lap or let them ride unrestrained. Moreover, seat belts should be secured before the car moves and should stay that way until the engine is switched off and the car is safely parked. Buckling up ensures everyone's safety. Install Proper Child Restraints and Car Seats Properly fitting car seats and child restraints are crucial to keeping your children safe while on the road. Before installation, confirm that t ... read more
Posted on 3/22/2022

Keeping your vehicle's fuel injectors clean ensures your car, SUV, or truck continues to get you where you need to efficiently without enduring engine damage. These components deliver fuel to the engine at the right time and of the right amount to ensure optimal performance and fuel economy. They disperse the fuel through nozzles, and they can get dirty over time. And it can take as little as one filthy nozzle to compromise your car's overall performance. What Are the Signs of Dirty Fuel Injectors? Lowered fuel economy - Since your injectors are directly related to fuel consumption, bad injectors can seriously bring down your MPG. If you're getting fewer miles than before per tank, you should have a professional check out your fuel system. Failed emissions test - When your injectors spurt out an unproportionate amount of fuel, your car ends up producing more emissions than what is deemed safe. If your vehicl ... read more