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Monthly Archives: November 2022

How to Maximize Visibility Driving at Night

How to Maximize Visibility Driving at Night

Did you know that more vehicle accidents occur at night than during the day? Of course, it has to deal with minimal visibility. Not to mention, light glares, foggy conditions, or rain and snow can make it even tougher to see. It can be difficult for drivers of all ages, experienced or new.  With daylight savings ending, nearly every motorist on the road has to deal with the difficulties of low visibility as early as 4 or 5 in the afternoon. To ensure you’re safe and your vehicle road-worthy, we thought we’d share these helpful nighttime driving safety tips.  Check Your Vision This might seem silly to throw in our blog, but are your eyes healthy? You should always check your vision on an annual basis. Perhaps, a new pair of glasses or contacts can make driving easier. Furthermore, eyesight tends to worsen with age. Be Well-Rested Driving at night when you’re feeling groggy or sleepy poses major risks of an accident. Not only are you already at a di ... read more

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