Posted on 10/28/2021

There's no doubt that Baltimore, MD, has reputedly horrible traffic sometimes. And you can expect more of it with the holidays coming around soon. It's natural to hate being in traffic, as you are essentially stuck with nowhere to go. We've gathered a few tips and tricks for you to cool your mind during rush hour. Engage your brain Keeping your mind focused on enjoyable educational content can make the time go by faster and ease your misery. We recommend content such as podcasts, audiobooks, or even tuning into talk radio; all of these are great ways to stick it through. Re-route Many apps nowadays can help drivers dodge high-traffic areas by offering alternative routes in real-time. Some of these apps include Apple Maps, Google Maps, and Waze. Open the windows How about some fresh air to calm your nerves? When your body is tense and wound up from stress, it's important to practice deep breathing. Fresh air can help release tension by adding more oxygen to y ... read more