Keeping your toddlers and babies safe while driving is important. Whether you are out on personal errands, taking the car on your family holiday, or on a road trip, as a parent, you need to do everything possible to ensure your family and especially the kids are safe both inside and around the car. Below are some tips for keeping your young ones safe in the car.
Buckle Up
Seat belts save lives. Fitting and using them correctly is essential to keeping everyone safe. A Seat belt is supposed to be used by only one individual. Thus, it is not advisable to carry a child on your lap or let them ride unrestrained. Moreover, seat belts should be secured before the car moves and should stay that way until the engine is switched off and the car is safely parked. Buckling up ensures everyone's safety.
Install Proper Child Restraints and Car Seats
Properly fitting car seats and child restraints are crucial to keeping your children safe while on the road. Before installation, confirm that the car seat is the proper size for your child's age, weight, and height. Also, ensure that the unit is correctly secured to the vehicle's seat as different car seats have different models. In addition to safe installation, you should avoid buying used car seats for your babies since it is hard to tell if it has any damage.
Keep Windows and Doors on Child Lock at All Times
Toddlers and kids in general like touching, pressing, and pulling things. Therefore, before hitting the road, ensure that your windows and doors stay on child lock while kids are in the car, whether moving or parked. Child lock ensures your car doors and windows remain locked, thus, keeping your children safe from accidents.
Do Not Let Your Child Off the Seat While the Car Is Moving
It is crucial to keep your child seated while the car is moving. While you may be tempted to take your baby off the car seat when he cries, always remember that their safety is dependent on properly-being restrained in case of a car crash. If you have to take your baby out of their car seat to feed or comfort him, find a safe place to pull over first.
Conclusively, keeping your child safe involves more than choosing the right safety seat and using it correctly. The mechanical condition of your car also plays a significant role in keeping both you, your toddlers, and your babies safe while driving. Therefore, it is crucial to regularly have your vehicle serviced adequately by professional mechanics to evade accidents or road trouble. If you need your vehicle serviced, we invite you to bring your vehicle into our auto repair shop today!